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Friday, April 29, 2005


From Boston Dirt Dogs:

Boston Herald, Wednesday, April 27, 2005 -- Howard Bryant/Boston Uncommon -- Sox can't change history -- "The Red Sox are part of a growing synergistic cartel that maintains addresses at Yawkey Way, Morrissey Boulevard and Brookline Avenue (NESN's headquarters). The New York Times Company owns the Boston Globe, and a piece of the Red Sox, which owns NESN> The Sox are also business partners with WEEI, the most influential sports radio station in the region. That means that the cartel not only has the means, but a financial interest in controlling information. That includes history. Boston has always been known for its insularity, but such naked consolidation is a little too cozy to be acceptable."

Boston Dirt Dogs have done a fine job disseminating demonstrations of Red Sox muscle in controlling the story [the W.S. Ring Ceremony - Opening Day issue], even though they are part of the “cartel.”

El Guapo’s Ghost also discussed the topic with Steve Kettmann in a Q&A about his book “One Day at Fenway.” Unfortunately, the Red Sox “cartel” is minor in both scope and significance (it’s only baseball) like most of the other major media corporations. The product is just entertainment. In contrast is General Electric, who's products end or save lives. GE's media control is just plain scary.


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