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Saturday, December 20, 2003


"We see you as a real weapon in helping us win games," Epstein said. "We're going to try to pitch you as much as possible in as many important innings as possible and have you impact as many games as possible."

This is the same strategy implemented at the start of 2003.

Saturday afternoon, February 8, 2003
Theo Epstein:

The "closer by committee" concept (if we must call it that) has more to do with usage than it does with personnel. We still want a truly dominant reliever (or two, or three, or four). We just won't hold him back for the ninth inning so he can chalk up a save. The goal is to put the best pitcher in the game to get the most critical outs, period.

I don't really like "closer by committee." Anybody have a better name?

The Sox now have "truly dominant reliever." After the 2004 All-Star break, every mainstream N.E. columnist will pull a 180 on the topic. Here is hoping they have the integrity to apologize not only to Theo but to Bill James as well.


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