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Friday, December 19, 2003


The Sox have told Rodriguez, his agent, and the union that without the $28 million reduction, Rodriguez's contract was untenable. "Theo [Epstein] told them that given the total resources he had, he couldn't put a competitive product on the field if he committed too high a percentage to one player, and the Red Sox would be in the same position as the Rangers are," one management source said last night.

It appears that $15 million is holding up the biggest trade in MLB history and it is making me sick. Even though it is only about 2% of Hicks' personal net worth, it is still a significant amount of money. It is less than that for Henry, Warner and Lucky Larry. There is an estimated 10 million people living in Red Sox Nation (MA, ME, RI, NH). If each person gave up one morning Dunkin' medium coffee to the "A-Rod to Boston Fund," we would have the freaking $15 million. I guess it is more reasonable for everyone to pay double for the java.

The owners' position is reasonable. The MLBPA's is as well. Any union has to make decisions that are best for all of its members not just one. A-Rod has done more than anyone to get this deal done by taking a pay cut. But where is Manny? Manny wants out of Boston although makes no effort to assist in the deal. It is my understanding he would gain financially from playing in Texas receiving a $1 million trade bonus and state tax relief. Moorad played it well in the press, doing a 180, saying how Manny is fine in Boston. The media has played along not pressuring Manny to restructure his deal. Manny has done nothing to get this done. Manny is trying to get a free ride AGAIN on A-Rod's coat tails.


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